Diffraction in Hadron-Hadron Collisions (I)
- B. Kopeliovich
Rainer Schicker
(Phys. Inst., University Heidelberg)
12/09/2014, 15:30
Forward physics in hadron-hadron collisions
Charge exchange reactions at high energies are examined. Such
reactions can in principle be tagged in pp-collisions by their
topology of asymmetric forward charges of Z_tot=0 and Z_tot=2.
The low energy data of the reaction pp \rightarrow n \Delta^{++} are reviewed, and extrapolated to LHC and FCC energies. The charge exchange reaction induced by W^{+},W^{-}-exchange is presented. The...
Alan Martin
(IPPP, Durham)
12/09/2014, 15:50
Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions
We discuss a model which gives a `global' description of the wide variety of high-energy elastic and diffractive data that are presently available, particularly from the LHC experiments. The model is based on only one pomeron pole, but includes multi-pomeron interactions. Significantly, the LHC measurements require that the model includes the transverse momentum dependence of the intermediate...
Anderson Kendi Kohara
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
12/09/2014, 16:10
Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions
Using a unified analytic representation for the elastic scattering amplitudes of pp scattering for all energies, the behavior of observables at the LHC energies in the range 2.76 - 14 TeV is discussed. Similary to the case of 7 TeV data, the
proposed amplitudes give excellent description of the preliminary
data at 8 TeV. We discuss the energy dependence of the observables,
Errol (Asher) Gotsman
(Tel Aviv University)
12/09/2014, 16:30
Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions
I discuss the results for diffractive production at the LHC, and indicate that the discrepancies present in the results of the different collaborations is not unique. Examples of similar disagreement in other high energy data is presented and conclusions drawn. A survey is made of models attempting to describe high energy diffractive data.
Paulo V R G Silva
(Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
12/09/2014, 16:50
Diffraction in hadron-hadron collisions
We present a model-independent analysis of the experimental data on the ratio X between the elastic and total cross-sections from pp and \barpp scattering in the c.m. energy interval 5GeV-8TeV. Using a novel empirical parametrization for that ratio as a function of the energy and based on theoretical and empirical arguments, we investigate three distinct asymptotic scenarios: either the...