Diffraction in Nuclear Physics (I)
- W. Guryn
Wolfgang Schaefer
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
15/09/2014, 11:50
Diffraction in nuclear physics
The amplitude for γp→J/ψp (γp→ψ′p) is calculated in a pQCD kT-factorization approach. The total cross section for this process is calculated for different unintegrated gluon distributions and compared with the HERA data and the data extracted recently by the LHCb collaboration. The amplitude for γp→J/ψp (γp→ψ′p) is used to predict the cross section for exclusive photoproduction of J/ψ (ψ′)...
M.Beatriz Gay Ducati
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul- UFRGS)
15/09/2014, 12:10
Diffraction in nuclear physics
In this contribution we present our recent results for the coherent photoproduction of vector mesons psi(1S), psi(2S) and Upsilon (1S) in the hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions in the LHC energies. Predictions for the rapidity distributions are presented using the color dipole formalism and including saturation effects that are expected to be relevant at high energies. Comparison...
Andras Ster
(Wigner RCP, Budapst, Hungary)
15/09/2014, 12:30
Diffraction in nuclear physics
Recent developments in the Lund Dipole Cascade Model make it possible
to study diffractive processes in high energy heavy ion collisions by
this tools. In the dipole formalism of parton interactions fluctuations
are naturally included and adding them to the pomeron ladder they
substantially determine the diffractive excitation cross sections in such
reactions. Our Monte Carlo event...