Spin Physics (II)
- J. Soffer
Nikola Poljak
(University of Zagreb, STAR collaboration)
13/09/2014, 10:40
Spin Physics
In order to better understand the spin structure of the proton, the STAR detector detects the collision products of polarised protons. Our ability to collide protons at various center of mass energies and to reconstruct jets from -1 < \eta < 2 and pions and etas up to \eta of 4 allows for sensitivity to different probes, kinematics and different mixes of partonic subprocesses. I will present...
Paul Kline
(Stony Brook University)
13/09/2014, 11:05
Spin Physics
The PHENIX spin physics program seeks to understand the spin structure of the proton through study of polarized proton collisions. We study asymmetries produced in collisions of both longitudinally and transversly polarized protons at a variety of center of mass energies. Recent results from the observation of neutral and charged meson, W boson, and heavy flavor final states will be presented.
Hervé Moutarde
(Irfu, CEA-Saclay)
13/09/2014, 11:25
Spin Physics
We compute the pion quark Generalized Parton Distribution and quark Double Distributions in a coupled Bethe Salpeter and Dyson Schwinger approach in terms of quarks flavors or isospin states. We use simple analytic expressions inspired by the numerical resolution of Bethe Salpeter and Dyson Schwinger equations. We explicitly check the support and polynomiality properties, and the behavior...
David Kleinjan
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
13/09/2014, 11:50
Spin Physics
In QCD, nucleon spin comes from the sum of the quark spin, gluon spin, and the quark and gluon orbital angular momentum, but how these different components contribute and the interplay among them is not yet understood. For instance, sea quark orbital contribution remains largely unexplored. Measurements of the Sivers function for the sea quarks will provide a probe of the sea quark orbital...
Oleg Teryaev
13/09/2014, 12:15
Spin Physics
The sum rules (SRs), in particular the ones related to momentum and angular momentum conservation, are discussed. The cases of distribution, fragmentation and fracture (diffractive distribution) functions are compared. The SRs for T-odd distribution functions include the phases borrowed from hard subprocesses.
The possible SR validity for each flavour and justification of the existence of...
Wlodek Guryn
(For the STAR Collaboration)
13/09/2014, 12:40
Spin Physics
We present a preliminary result on a precision measurement of the transverse double spin asymmetries ANN and ASS in polarized proton-proton elastic scattering at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV in the small four momentum transfer squared (t) region 0.005 < -t < 0.035 (GeV/c)2, the Coulomb Nuclear Interference (CNI) region. This preliminary result is based on about 20 million elastic events acquired by the...