Progress in QCD (I)
- D. Ivanov
Beatrice Murdaca
14/09/2014, 08:30
Progress in QCD
We apply the BLM scale setting procedure directly to the amplitudes (cross sections) of several semihard processes. It is shown that due to the presence of {$\beta_0$}-terms in the NLA results for the impact-factors the obtained optimized renormalization scale is not universal, it depends both on the energy and on the type of the process in question. We illustrate this general conclusion...
Christophe Royon
(IRFU-SPP, CEA Saclay)
14/09/2014, 08:50
LHC and post-LHC
After recalling the fits to the forward jet cross sections at HERA in
order to test the BFKL dynamics, we will give our predictions concerning
the Mueller Navelet and jet gap jet cross sections at the LHC, ad we will
mention the jet veto measurements performed by the ATLAS collaboration. We
will finish by proposing a new measurement of the jet gap jet events in
DPE events.
Joachim Bartels
(University Hamburg)
14/09/2014, 09:10
Progress in QCD
We investigate the possibility whether reggeon field theory can serve as an effective
description for high energy QCD at long distances. As a first step we study the fixed point structure of local reggeon field theory.
Lev Lipatov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
14/09/2014, 09:30
Progress in QCD
Two models for the region of small transverse momenta in the BFKL equation are discussed. In the first of them the gluons are massive as a result of the Higgs mechanizm. For the second case the
impact parameter space is compactified, which can serve as a model for the confinement based on the dual Meissner effect. Further, the non-Fredholm properties of the BFKL kernel at the
Douglas Ross
(Southampton University)
14/09/2014, 09:50
Progress in QCD
We describe the solution to the BFKL equation with running coupling, leading to a set of discrete Regge poles, in terms of a universal green function and discuss the conditions under which this Green function can lead to amplitudes which match those of a DGLAP analysis in the leading logarithm approximation
Victor Fadin
(Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS)
14/09/2014, 10:10
Progress in QCD
Calculation of s-channel discontinuities of multi-Regge amplitudes in the next-to-leading logarithmic approximation in the BFKL approach is discussed. The discontinuity of the two-to-four amplitude in the invariant mass of two produced gluons is calculated explicitly in the planar N=4 SYM and compared with the result obtained using the two-loop 6-point remainder function derived as the...