Giancarlo Righini
(Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi),
Umberto Dosselli
28/04/2014, 09:30
Detlef Duerr
(Mathematisches Institut LMU)
28/04/2014, 10:00
Nature is not strange or mysterious or non understandable. Our modern theories are. Quantum Mechanics is often presented as such and that need not be. The talk addresses young researchers who have not been yet disillusioned that a reasonable physics description of nature is possible.
Luca Ferialdi
(LMU München)
28/04/2014, 14:15
Abstract: Open quantum systems are often described by a relevant system linearly coupled to an environment of independent harmonic oscillators. We show that, considering the collective motion of these oscillators, one can give an equivalent description where the environment is modeled by a chain of "collective modes" with first neighbors interaction. Such chain representation allows for a...
Dustin Lazarovici
(Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)
28/04/2014, 14:45
Bell?s theorem manifests a tension between quantum non-locality and relativity
by asserting that any realistic account of EPR-type correlations must admit
non-local influences between distant events. We want to explore the
possibility to mitigate this tension by admitting microscopic interactions
that are both advanced and retarded, thus drawing exclusively on the
resources of...
James Bateman
(University of Southampton)
28/04/2014, 15:15
Mohammad Bahrami
(research fellow)
28/04/2014, 16:10
Unification of gravity and quantum theory is still an unattained problem
of modern physics. The traditional approach of quantizing the gravitational
has not yet provided us with a satisfying theory of quantum gravity. A different
resolution is to modify quantum dynamics by adding nonlinear terms with
gravitational origins. This line of research is highly motivated by
Kristian Piscicchia
28/04/2014, 16:40
Our work is concerned with the investigation of the spontaneous emission, form orbital electrons and nuclear protons in Germanium atoms. The spontaneous emission of free electrons was first predicted and quantified by Q. Fu, as a consequence of electrons interaction with the stochastic field introduced in the non-relativistic Continuous Spontaneous Localization models.
An innovative Bayesian...
Juan Leon
(Instituto de Física Fundamental (CSIC))
28/04/2014, 17:10
LEON, Juan (Instituto de Fisica Fundamental (CSIC))
Creation and annihilation operators adding or subtracting well-defined
amounts of energy and momentum to the field canonically describe particles,
the elementary excitations of the fields, in QFT. These operators create
quanta completely delocalized in space, at odds with the idea of particles
as minute subdivisions of matter of finite...
Hendrik Ulbricht
(University of Southampton)
29/04/2014, 09:30
Hendrik Ulbricht Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, UK e-mail: hendrik.ulbricht@soton.ac.ukhendrik.ulbricht@soton.ac.uk New technological developments allow to explore the quantum properties of very complex systems, bringing the question of whether also macroscopic systems share such features, within experimental reach. The interest in this...
Pierantonio Zanghi
(Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Genova INFN- Sezione di Genova)
29/04/2014, 10:15
The most puzzling issue in the foundations of quantum mechanics is perhaps that of the status of the wave function of a system in a quantum universe. Is the wave function objective or subjective? Does it represent the physical state of the system or merely our information about the system? And if the former, does it provide a complete description of the system or only a partial description? ...
marco gramegna
29/04/2014, 11:30
Time as an emergent property deriving from quantum correlations remains an open and controversial question among physicists. In fact, the ?problem of time? in essence stems from the fact that a canonical quantization of general
relativity yields the Wheeler-DeWitt equation predicting a static state of the universe, contrary to obvious everyday evidence. Page and Wootters speculated that by...
Lajos Diosi
(Wigner Research Center for Physics)
29/04/2014, 12:15
Spontaneous collapses are thought to be masked
by environmental decoherence. We refine this view
and discuss the magnitude of spontaneous collapses
under natural circumstances in elastic/hydrodynamic
degrees of freedom of bulk matter.
Petros Wallden
(Heriot-Watt University)
29/04/2014, 15:00
Abstract: Quantum theory allows sets of probabilities between
spacelike separated parties that cannot be recovered from a local
(realistic) theory as it is shown by violations of Bell's
inequalities. The violation of Bell's inequalities is equivalent with
proving that there does not exist a joint probability distribution for
all the different (unrealised) alternatives. The non-existence...
Sandra Eibenberger
(VCQ, University of Vienna)
29/04/2014, 15:30
Sandra Eibenberger, Joseph Cotter, Xiaxi Cheng, Lukas Mairhofer, Markus
University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, VCQ, QuNaBioS, Vienna Austria
Molecular matter-wave interferometry has opened the path to delocalization
studies with ever more complex particles.
We report on the current mass record in quantum interference investigations
[1,2], and discuss the development of...
Alessio Avella
(Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica)
29/04/2014, 16:20
A. Avella 1 M. Gramegna 1 A. Shurupov 1 G. Brida 1 M. Chekhova 3, 4 and M. Genovese 1
1) INRIM, Strada delle Cacce 91, Torino 10135, Italy
2) Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light, G.-Scharowsky Str 1/Bldg 24, 91058, Erlangen, Germany
3) M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 GSP-2, Moscow, Russia
The development of quantum information...
Tomer Barnea
(Université de Genève)
29/04/2014, 16:50
The talk will explore the possibility to explain quantum correlations via
(possibly) unknown causal influences propagating gradually and continuously
at a finite speed v > c. This framework goes beyond quantum theory in the
sense that it tries to provide an explanation for Bell inequality violating
correlations that remains local and continuous in space and time. In
previous work it could...
Rainer Kaltenbaek
(University of Vienna, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics)
29/04/2014, 17:20
MAQRO is a proposed fundamental science mission to test the foundations of quantum physics. Over the last decades, the technology available in space has reached a level that will soon allow performing quantum experiments in space. Although, space experiments are an expensive and time-consuming business, the technological developnent may soon render space interesting as an environment for...
Beatrix Hiesmayr
(University of Vienna)
30/04/2014, 09:30
This talk will give an overview over quantum systems at high energies typically produced at accelerator facilities and discuss what can e learned about the very foundations of quantum theory.
Andre Grossardt
(University of Trieste)
30/04/2014, 11:30
That gravity has to be quantised is usually considered an accepted truth
among most physicists. However, there is virtually no conclusive evidence
for this. The most obvious way to merge Quantum Mechanics with fundamentally
classical gravity is provided by semi-classical gravity. For non-relativistic quantum systems this approach yields the Schr?dinger-Newton equation, a non-linear,...
Nathan Cooper
(University of Southampton)
30/04/2014, 12:00
Matter-wave interferometry is well understood, and there have been
several experimental demonstrations | even with particles as large and
complex as molecules. While the centre of mass (COM) motion of such
particles is controlled very precisely, internal spin properties can aect
the motion if both degrees of freedom are coupled. This can be used in
a twofold way: it can map the...