S5: Novel Sources: FEL/Laser/Plasma Channels
- Massimo Ferrario (LNF)
Sessione 5.3
Danilo Giulietti
(University and INFN, Pisa)
10/9/14, 4:30 PM
Invited talk
The importance of stable and reproducible plasma channels is strongly connected to the need of guiding high intensity laser pulses in different experimental contexts from the remote sensing, to Inertial Confinement Fusion and Laser Plasma Acceleration. In particular, one of the major tasks for the progress of laser acceleration of electrons in plasmas is the guiding of focused pulses along...
Vladimir Zvorykin
(P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute)
10/9/14, 5:30 PM
Multiple filamentation of UV picosecond pulses being amplified in hybrid Ti:Sapphire/KrF laser facility GARPUN-MTW was investigated under propagation in atmospheric air over ~100 m. Peak pulse power attained 0.3 TW, which is in 3000 times higher than the critical value (~0.1 GW) for filamentation of 248 nm wavelength radiation. In contrast to 100-fs pulses significant distinctive features (3...
Lorenzo Torrisi
(University of Messina)
10/9/14, 5:45 PM
Laser-matter interaction in regime of Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) confers to ions energies above 1.0 MeV per charge state. The ion acceleration strongly depends on the laser parameters (intensity, wavelength, pulse duration,…), irradiation conditions (spot size, incidence angle, focalization with respect to the target surface,…) and target properties (composition and...
Alessandro Curcio
(University and INFN Pisa)
10/9/14, 6:00 PM
Developments in laser technology with regard to infrared and visible light have been a rather fast and fairly easy process, for the availability of technologies capable of producing coherent, brilliant light in those ranges from the very beginning. Not the same fate befell ultraviolet and X-rays light technologies that had been stuck in their initial stage, not so much progressed since the...