S4: Charged Beams Shaping
- Robert CHEHAB (IPNL/IN2P3)
Session 4.1
Uli Wienands
08/10/2014, 09:00
Invited talk
Comparatively little data exists for channeling and volume-reflection of electrons in the 1 to 10 GeV energy range. In this talk I will report on recent experiments at SLAC on channeling and volume reflection of a high-energy electron beam using a 60 micron thick quasimosaic Si(111) crystal. The experiments were done at several beam energies in the range of 3 to above 10 GeV. We have observed...
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon)
08/10/2014, 09:30
After a short review of the past and recent activities of the Lyon group on high energy particle channeling (with heavy ions, electron and positron beams) and applications, in particular a powerful positron source dedicated to linear colliders using axial channeling radiation, we will concentrate on the experimental investigation of the internal clock, predicted for any particle by Louis de...
08/10/2014, 09:45
Esteban Irribarra
08/10/2014, 10:00
Elastic and inelastic processes take place in tapered glass capillaries within the guiding of the beam of electrons. We represent the study of the energy spectrum and intensity dependence of the guided beam of 10 keV electrons on the tilt angle of the tapered glass tube with respect to the beam axis. Experimental results show not only the possibility to guide electrons using macro size...
Stylianos Sarros
(University of Athens)
08/10/2014, 10:15
Channeling of 10 MeV protons in various types of radially compressed chiral carbon nanotubes is considered. Monte Carlo simulation program is used for the calculation of the trajectories, energy losses and angular distributions of protons in nanotubes of various lengths, where the potential in Doyle-Turner approximation is used to describe the interaction between a proton and a nanotube....
Gennadiy Filippov
(Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute)
08/10/2014, 10:30
The paper is devoted to analysis of influence of spatial dispersion on a point charge imagination near a surface of a dielectric or a metal. The charge imagination sufficiently well describes the polarization field which occurs near a surface in the presence of the external point charge. Usually, in classical electrodynamics (see, e.g. [1]), this problem is solved without taking into account...
Alexey Rusetskii
(Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia), Dr
Mikhail Negodaev
(Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
08/10/2014, 10:45
At the ion accelerator HELIS [1-4] at the LPI, the neutron yield is investigated in DD reactions within a polycrystalline deuterium-saturated CVD diamond, during an irradiation of its surface by a deuterium ion beam with the energy less than 30 keV. The measurements of the neutron flux in the beam direction are performed in dependence on the target angle, β, with respect to the beam axis....