5–10 Oct 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone



5 Oct 2014, 13:00
Capri-Naples, Italy

Capri-Naples, Italy

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Sultan Dabagov (LNF)
05/10/2014, 13:00
Pasquale Mazzarella (Vice-Sindaco Comune di Anacapri)
05/10/2014, 13:10
Dr Artak Mkrtchyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA), Prof. Samvel Haroutiunian (Chairman of the State Committee of Science Republic Armenia)
05/10/2014, 16:30
Invited talk
Main directions of Armenia's cooperation with other countries in the field of science and innovation
Ms Fatima Tuguz (Russia)
05/10/2014, 17:15
Building timetable...