S6: Crystal Simultaion Routines for Particle Accelerators : Comparison and Benchmarking with Experimental Data
- Walter Scandale (ROMA1)
Session 6.2
Yury Ivanov
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
10/10/2014, 11:50
In 2013-2014, the advanced quasi-mosaic silicon crystal deflectors for UA9/LUA9 Collimation Project were developed and installed in LHC ring. The design of deflectors is based on elastic quasi-mosaicity effect firstly discovered in quartz [1] and later observed in silicon [2]. This effect arises from anisotropic properties of crystal lattice and results in the curving of the normal cross...
Alessandro Masi
10/10/2014, 12:10
An innovative piezo goniometer that fully fulfils all the requirements for the channeling experiment in the LHC is presented. The piezo rotational stage is based on a specifically designed flexural structure with closed loop position control using a high accuracy interferometric angular sensor. The design guidelines as well as the experimental validation results are also presented.
Alexei Sytov
(Research Institute for Nuclear Problems)
10/10/2014, 12:30
Both long-lasting UA9 studies and coming Large Hadron Collider collimation and extraction experiments strengthen the need to develop reliable codes for the modelling of the proton interaction with bent crystals.
A CRYSTAL simulation code [1] for particle tracking in crystal is introduced. Its essence consists in both adequate and fast evaluation of proton trajectories in crystals with all...
Davide De Salvador
(INFN-LNL and Padova University)
10/10/2014, 13:10
Most of the experimental knowledge about channeling and related phenomena in bent crystals has been gathered with Si, thanks to its high crystalline quality and mature micro-machining technology. Silicon is not optimized as a far as it concerns the interaction strength with beams since of it’s relatively low z-number. We recently demonstrated that germanium can be a concrete alternative. It is...
Francesca Galluccio
10/10/2014, 13:30