5–10 Oct 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

“Crystal Calorimetry” for the FCC and HE-LHC

Not scheduled
Capri-Naples, Italy

Capri-Naples, Italy


Prof. Viktor Tikhomirov (Research Institute for Nuclear Problems)


Recently a start for the 100 TeV p-p Future circular collider (FCC) project was given. Earlier a proton energy increase up to 33/2 TeV began to be studied in the framework of the high-energy phase of the LHC upgrade. The energies of the secondary e± and γ will reach many TeVs in the high pseudorapidity regions at both FCC and HE-LHC. The point is that these e±, γ energies are high enough to give rise to the drastic increase of the e+-e− pair production and hard γ-emission probabilities in oriented crystals related with their synchrotron-like mechanism. The development rate of electromagnetic showers will increase and the length decrease, accordingly, allowing to devise principally new electromagnetic calorimeters (ECAL ) of reduced length. The radiation cooling phenomenon will also pronounsly manifest itself at such energies, additionally accelerating shower development and allowing to discriminate e+, e− and γ.

Primary author

Prof. Viktor Tikhomirov (Research Institute for Nuclear Problems)

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