Didier Mazon
(CEA Cadarache)
In Tokamaks, plasma emits as a volumetric Soft-X-Ray (SXR) source and can give very useful information about plasma stability, shape and impurity content. Measuring the SXR radiation ([0.1 keV; 20 keV]) of magnetic fusion plasmas is a standard way of accessing
valuable information on particle transport and MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD).Unfortunately, the strong constraints imposed by the environment of a tokamak reactor (high neutron fluxes, gamma and hard X-ray emission, high magnetic field and high radiofrequency powers) do not authorize to install in a close vicinity of the machine such detectors.We have thus investigated the possibility of using polycapillary lenses to transport the SXR information to several meters from the plasma. The idea is to protect the SXR
detector from the entire environment by a proper shielding.Different polycapillary lenses have been tested in collaboration with CELIA at Bordeaux and results will be shown.In parallel a model of polycapillary transmission has been developed and validated against
experiment. Results are presented confirming the great potential of polycapillary lenses for SXR transmission in tokamak plasma.
Primary author
Didier Mazon
(CEA Cadarache)
Antoine Mollard
Fabien Dorchies
(Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA , CELIA, UMR5107, Talence, 33405, France)
Ludovic Lecherbourg
(Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA , CELIA, UMR5107, Talence, 33405, France)
Philippe Malard
Quentin Abadie
(Ecole Centrale Marseille)
Sultan dabagov
(INFN–LNF, via E. Fermi, 40, I-00044, Frascati, Rome, Italy)