05–10 ott 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario

PS1-21: Parametric X-Ray Radiation of 50 MeV Electrons in Crystals

6 ott 2014, 17:00
1O 30m
Capri-Naples, Italy

Capri-Naples, Italy


Sig. Artur Movsisyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia)


The results of experimental investigation of the phenomenon of parametric X-ray radiation (PXR) emitted by relativistic electrons with 40-50 MeV energy is presented. Comparison results of propagation of PXR either forward or beckward to the motion of relativistic electrons is analyzed. New opportunities for crystal structure analysis with light atoms is offered.

Autori principali

Prof. Alpik Mkrtchyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA) Dr. Artak Mkrtchyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA)


Dr. Albert BABAYAN (A. Alikhanian National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Armenia, 0036, Alikhanian Br. Str. 2) Sig. Arkadi SOGHOMONYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Arsen Ghalumyan (A. Alikhanian National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Armenia, 0036, Alikhanian Br. Str. 2) Sig. Artur Movsisyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Edik BAGHDASARYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Eduard Harutyunyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Garik AYVAZYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Hovhannes MURADYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Sig. Suren MIRAQYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Vache NALBANDYAN (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr. Vahan Kocharyan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University 634050, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk, Russia.) Dr. Valery Nikoghosyan (A. Alikhanian National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Armenia, 0036, Alikhanian Br. Str. 2) Dr. Vardan Margaryan (Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA, 0014, Hr. Nersisyan str. 25, Yerevan, Armenia)

Materiali di presentazione

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