Oct 5 – 10, 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

PS1-12: Coherent Diffraction and Cherenkov Radiation of Relativistic Electrons from a Dielectric Target in the Millimeter Wavelength Range

Oct 6, 2014, 5:00 PM
1h 30m
Capri-Naples, Italy

Capri-Naples, Italy


Dr Gennady Naumenko (Tomsk Polytechnic University)Mr Vitold Bleko (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)


The diffraction and Cherenkov radiation have been observed in the millimeter wavelength range from 8 to 30 mm emitted by bunched electron beams of 6.1 MeV passing near a Teflon target. The radiation intensity at wavelength mm is enhanced by a factor in comparison incoherent radiation, the value of this factor equal to the number of electrons in the bunch. Properties of the radiations have been experimentally investigated in far-field zone. The angular distributions of the observed radiation at various angles of rotation target show an interference of diffraction radiation an Cherenkov radiation in total yield. The simple geometry of experiment is useful for a test of different theoretical models of diffraction and Cherenkov radiation in dielectric targets. The comparison of experimental results with the model of polarization currents is done. The work was partially supported by the RFBR grant No. 14-02-31642-mol_a.

Primary author

Mr Vitold Bleko (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)


Mr Anatoly Konkov (Tomsk Polytechnic University) Dr Gennady Naumenko (Tomsk Polytechnic University) Ms Veronika Soboleva (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)

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