5–10 Oct 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

PS1-18: Continuous Potentials of Crystallographic Axes for a Series of Single Crystals

6 Oct 2014, 17:00
1h 30m
Capri-Naples, Italy

Capri-Naples, Italy


Dr Hovhannes Muradyan (Institute of Applied Problems in Physics, Yerevan, Armenia)


A two-dimensional periodic (the so-called continuous) potential ... is studied, that is obtained by replacing the true potential of a single crystal by the potential averaged (i) over all atomic chains, which are parallel to the selected crystallographic axis of a single crystal, and (ii) over the thermal vibrations of atomic cores of the single crystal: ...=... (Z-axis of the cylindrical coordinate system ...=... is parallel to the selected crystallographic axis). The numerical results for different crystallographic axes of a series of single crystals (silicon, quartz, lithium niobate, etc.) are given in the form of tables, graphs, as well as analytical expressions (in which the deviation of ... from axial symmetry is taken into account). For evaluation of the accuracy of obtained results in numerical calculations different familiar approximations for the potentials of atomic cores of single crystal have been used. The obtained results are compared with previously made corresponding calculations (see, e.g.. [1-5]). The obtained results may be used for investigation of the effect of the single crystal on high energy electromagnetic processes (e.g., the radiation from relativistic electrons and positrons axially channeled in single crystals [1-5]). References 1. M.A. Kumakhov, 1986, Radiation of Channeled Particles in Crystals (Energoatomizdat, Moscow) (in Russian). 2. M.A. Kumakhov and F.F. Komarov, 1989, Radiation from Charged Particles in Solids (AIP, New York). 3. M.A. Kumakhov and R. Weddel, 1991, Radiation of Relativistic Light Particles During Interaction with Single Crystals (Spektrum, Heidelberg). 4. A.I. Akhiezer and N.F. Shul’ga, 1996, High-Energy Electrodynamics in Matter (Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam). 5. V.N. Baier, V.M. Katkov and V.M. Strakhovenko, 1998, Electromagnetic Processes at High Energy in Oriented Single Crystals (World Scientific, Singapore).

Primary authors

Prof. Artak Mkrtchyan (Institute of Applied Problems in Physics, Yerevan, Armenia) Prof. Levon Grigoryan (Institute of Applied Problems in Physics, Yerevan, Armenia)


Dr Hovhannes Muradyan (Institute of Applied Problems in Physics, Yerevan, Armenia) Dr Hrant Khachatryan (Institute of Applied Problems in Physics)

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