Commissioning of the new IGISOL-4 facility and new perspectives
Prof.Iain Moore(UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, Department of Physics, Finland)
Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Rostagni meeting room
The new IGISOL-IV facility has recently been commissioned in an extended accelerator hall at JYFL. Served by both the heavy-ion K130 MeV cyclotron and the new high intensity light-ion MCC30-15 cyclotron, the improved layout of the ion-trap and laser facilities will offer unique and significantly enhanced discovery potential. The front end of the facility has been modified to allow direct and easy access for the transport of laser light both into the gas cell and via an electrostatic deflector chamber for ionization in the gas jet. In anticipation of a more regular use of the laser ion source, a dual-chamber gas cell has been installed and successfully tested on-line. A second main effort in the coming years will be the development of neutron-induced fission as a means of producing increasingly neutron-rich nuclei for mass, laser and decay spectroscopic studies.
In this seminar I will provide an overview of the current status of the facility. The latter part of the talk will then focus a little more on the links to the laser ion source developments at Legnaro, with a review of our recent activities during the past year and future plans.