The Mode Matching Technique to calculate the Coupling Impedance. A bench-mark for numerical codes and new measurements techniques
Prof.Vittorio Giorgio Vaccaro(INFN Napoli)
Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Rostagni meeting room
The coupling impedance can be evaluated with finite-element methods or using analytical approaches resorting to the Mode Matching (MM)technique.
The MM Technique consists in dividing the structure into a certain number of infinite and finite sub-domains, in which the electromagnetic fields may be expanded by an infinite sum of travelling waves (in the infinite domains) and in modes (in the finite domains). The expansions are then matched on the boundaries. By means of the Ritz-Galerkin method, each functional equation is transformed into an infinite set of matricial equations which link the unknown expansion vectors.
Tha results may be used as a bench-mark for numerical codes and old new measurement techniques as well as for the new ones which are in progress in the RF Laboratory of Naples Section.