Determination of the b-quark mass and B mesons decay constant from non-pertubatively renormalized HQET in two-flavor lattice QCD
Antoine Gerardin(Universitè Paris Sud, Orsay)
C (Roma Tre)
Roma Tre
via della Vasca Navale 84
B-physics offers interesting probes for the search of new physics by constraining the CKM matrix Unitarity Triangle. In many cases, the precision of the results is limited by theoretical uncertainties. Lattice computations with an overall accuracy of a few percent are then highly desirable.
In this talk, I present the results of the ALPHA Collaboration on the computation of the b-quark mass and of the B meson decay constant on the lattice. To simulate the b-quark on the lattice, we employ the Heavy Quark Effective Theory including 1/m corrections. Renormalisation and matching were done non-perturbatively and 9 ensembles at 3 lattice spacings and different pion masses down to 195MeV were used to keep all systematic errors under control.