13th LNF Mini-workshop series: The Higgs Physics

Manuela Boscolo (LNF), Mario Antonelli (LNF), Tommaso Spadaro (LNF)
The recent discovery of The Higgs boson at LHC left a number of open questions: is the Higgs "alone" in the accessible energy range? are the properties of the Higgs those expected from the Standard Model?
The present theoretical status, the perspectives on the Higgs physics observables at the present LHC, the ideas presently debated for future machines, the present status and the perspectives for the observables assessing Higgs exchange from flavour physics will be discussed in this workshop, belonging to the Frascati physics seminars.


Streaming: http://www.lnf.infn.it/sis/photovideo/streaming.html Free attendance contacts: manuela.boscolo@lnf.infn.it