3–5 Jul 2013
Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

A silicon array for cosmic-ray particle identification in space

5 Jul 2013, 12:35
Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

via Folco Portinari, 5 - Florence (ITALY)


Simone Bonechi (S)


A new generation of space experiments with very large geometric factors (of the order of 3 - 4 m2sr) are being designed to perform precision studies of the elemental composition of VHE cosmic nuclei and of their spectral features. In the current concept of the Gamma-400 experiment, the charge identification of the incoming particle is performed by a two-layered array of pixelated silicon sensors. Given the orbital parameters of the mission, the isotropic distribution of the incoming cosmic rays can be sampled on the 4 lateral sides of the instrument. The conceptual design of the array, covering a seamless sensitive area of the order of 1 m2, will be presented together with results obtained with reduced-scale prototypes at relativistic ion beams.

Primary authors

Andrea Basti (PI) Arta Sulaj (Dept. Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, University of Siena and INFN) Fabio Morsani (PI) Francesco Pacciani (University of Pisa) Dr Gabriele Bigongiari (Dept. Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, University of Siena.) Dr Maria Grazia Bagliesi (INFN) PAOLO BROGI (S) Paolo Maestro (SI) Pier Simone Marrocchesi (SI) Simone Bonechi (S) Teimuraz Lomtadze (PI)

Presentation materials