3–5 Jul 2013
Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Europe/Rome timezone

On-line remote monitoring of radioactive waste repositories

5 Jul 2013, 15:25
Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Sala Convegni della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

via Folco Portinari, 5 - Florence (ITALY)


Dr Alfio Pappalardo (LNS- INFN)


We propose an innovative system for real time monitoring of short and medium term radioactive waste repositories. Such a system behaves like a cheap scintillating Geiger-Muller counter and it is based on a new kind of gamma mini-sensor, developed at INFN-LNS, assembled with low-cost components: Silicon PhotoMultipliers and scintillating fibers. Front-end electronics and an FPGA-based counting system were developed to handle the field data and transmit them to the remote control system, able to show real-time and historical data in a graphical user interface. A new cheap neutron detector 3He-free (patent pending) was developed to extend the monitoring also to neutrons.

Primary author

Dr Alfio Pappalardo (LNS- INFN)

Presentation materials