The Legacy of Bruno Pontecorvo: the Man and the Scientist

Aula Magna (University of Rome "La Sapienza")

Aula Magna

University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma Italy
Dionisi Carlo, Maiani Luciano
The year 2013 is the centennial of the birth of Bruno Pontecorvo, one of the great physicists of the past century and a pioneer of High Energy Physics.

To honor his memory as a man and scientist, the Physics Department of University of Rome "La Sapienza", is organizing an International Meeting on Sept. 11 and 12, 2013.
Bruno Pontecorvo's life has been characterized by the strength of his ground-breaking scientific ideas as well as by his ideological choices, sometimes dramatic, which have marked his destiny as man and scientist. The meeting is a right and proper homage to the memory of the youngest "ragazzo di Via Panisperna", a moment of encounter and thought on his ingenious scientific ideas and a token of his civil commitment.
  • Alfredo Sciortino
  • Andrea Vacchi
  • Anna Di Ciaccio
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Argia Rubeo
  • Beniamino Di Martino
  • Ceradini Filippo
  • Daniele Fargion
  • Danilo Domenici
  • De Pedis Daniele
  • DI LELLA Luigi
  • Elena Volterrani
  • Elisa Maggio
  • ennio gozzi
  • Enrico Junior Schioppa
  • Enzo De Sanctis
  • Enzo Valente
  • Ettore Fiorini
  • Eugenio Tabet
  • Fabio Miceli
  • Francesco Lacava
  • Franco Buccella
  • Giancarlo Bianchini
  • Giancarlo Gialanella
  • Giancarlo Piredda
  • Gianfranco Grossi
  • Giorgio Capon
  • Giorgio Dragoni
  • Giorgio P. Panini
  • giorgio parisi
  • Giovanni Batignani
  • Giovanni La Rana
  • Giuseppe Battistoni
  • Giuseppe Mossa
  • Giuseppe Nicotera
  • Ivan Girardi
  • Leonardo Martelli
  • Luca Martinelli
  • Luca Massarelli
  • Marco Maria Massai
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • maria teresa Giuli
  • Mario Greco
  • Maurizio Lusignoli
  • Mauro Mancini
  • Mehdi Rezaie
  • Mirella Matzeu
  • Noemi Rocco
  • Paolo Laurelli
  • Peter Nemethy
  • Riccardo de Sangro
  • Rino Castaldi
  • Sabina Guidotti
  • Sara Bonella
  • Sebastian White
  • Sergio Giudici
  • Silvia Biffi
  • silvia celli
  • simona gargiulo
  • Stefano Giagu
  • Till Kirsten
  • Valentina Gregori
  • Walter Longhi