Naturalness hints to the presence of new physics at TeV energies. This belief is challenged by the lack of new physics signals in various experiments and by the discovery of the Higgs boson with SM properties. After reviewing the virtues and the pitfalls of the Standard Model I will discuss a unified framework for the Higgs boson and strong CP axion both arising from the spontaneous breaking of a non-abelian global symmetry G->H. The Goldstone symmetry of the Higgs is broken by the SM couplings while the axion shift symmetry is only broken by the QCD anomaly. Dark matter determines the scale of new physics around 10^{11} GeV so that the electro-weak VEV is obtained by tuning. I will present explicit examples in terms of SU(n) and SO(n) gauge theories or Randall-Sundrum theories and show that a 125 GeV Higgs mass may follow from the Goldstone nature of the Higgs.