Minutes of Editorial board meeting on Dec 11, 2012
integrated with futher discussion and interactions.
Annotated list of things to do on the TDR
General timing: aim at sending the TDR to the printer in mid january
Signoff: system conveners should send me their final signoff by email
so that the chapters can be handed over to the global readers.
General style issues
- Fix space at around the subsection titles
- Fix balancing of columns on half empty pages
(the package originally used, balance, was causing problems; maybe it is
not worthwhile to solve the problems).
- Style for common words: \SuperB, \babar
- Style for units (\gev etc.)
- Removing hanging indent for figure captions (this seems to be a problem
of some latex installations and OK in the nightly build).
- Bibliography style: provide uniform bibliographic style, including how to
indicate etal etc.
- Issue of reference to sites in small fonts
- Figures need to have labels
- Labels need to be readable
- If there are multiple graphs a legend needs to be there
- All figures need to be referred to in the text
- Caption below figure
- After signoff Chris will check figures
Report numbers
We should publish with several numbers
LAL (Nicolas)
SLAC (Blair)
Arxiv submission
- Don't force specific table style but maintain uniformity in chapter
- Caption above table
Front Matter
- Abstract: should be centered. FF will write it
- Foreword: draft by FF - summary of project history
- Authors: draft list by ALU -
Chapter 2 - accelerator (Boscolo)
- need to implement suggestions of GW (Manuela)
- add crab waist
- add references
- fix figure and table orientation
Chapter 3 - Det overview (FF)
- fix figure of detector with hybrid forward EMC (FF)
Chapter 4 - Physics (Bevan)
- final corrections by Adrian
- beef up a bit the tau/charm section
Chapter 5 - MDI (Paoloni)
- Quite a bit of work still
- Improve radiative Bhabha description
- missing part on DCH
- fix titles
- Write 5.6 on synchrotron radiation (Manuela)
- 5.9 and 5.10 FTOF, fix ref needede (Nicolas)
- Fig 24 and 25 IFR move legend inside and fix units on x-axis (Wander)
- Remove fig 5.28
- subsubsection in 5.14 - use tdrparagraph
- fix bibliography
Chpater 6 - SVT (Rizzo)
- OK for global reading
- remove 6.1.5 heading
- Try to improve table readability (6.15,6.16,6.18)
- 6.7.8 adn 6.7.9 --> tdrparagraph. Check uniformity of levels
- 6.9 check services and utilities
Chapter 7 - DCH (Finocchiaro, Roney)
- in final reading
- several figures need to be fixed (De Sangro)
- Bibliography: beef up or check whether references are left out
Chapter 8 - PID (Arnaud, Vavra)
- ready for global reading
- Cost should be removed as soon as it appears in the budget chapter
- extra reference at the end
Chapter 9 - EMC (Cecchi, Porter)
- last last final reading ongoing
- change structure removing level
Chapter 10 - IFR (Baldini)
- ready for global reading
- Fig 10.8, 10.10 move legend outside, increase font of axis
- table 10.9 fix the FCTS_clk that is unclear
- 10.11 remove bold
Chapter 11 - Magnet (Fabbricatore, Forti)
- insert missing table
- add references
- need final reading
Chapter 12 - ETD (Luitz, Breton)
- ready for global reading
- appendix 12.A make single column
- table 12.1 caption above
Chapter 13 - Elex (Luitz, Breton)
- Create summary text for all subsystems with reference to tables
- Table 13.2 move caption
- DCH part, remove smallfont in tables
- 13.8 move caption
- Fig 13.9 and 13.10 should become tables
- Fig 13.11 remove "ASIC" in caption
- Fig 13.18 and 13.19 say in caption what to note in figure
Chapter 14 Computing (Bianchi)
- few corrections to insert
- Table 14.1 14.2 Caption above
- Setction 14.3 R&D without spaces
- p 450 - strange indent of "Data storage"
Chapter 15 - ES&H - remove
Chapter 16 Integration
- need work to update (FF+Raffaelli)
Chapter 17 Collaboration
- missing figure (Blair)
Chapter 18 cost and schedule
- all the cost is in smartsheet. A global cost table will be generated.
- Subsystems: check and update text in cost and schedule chapter
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