Session 4
- Giovanna Benzoni (MI)
Shunji Nishimura
(RIKEN Nishina Center (RNC))
10/06/2013, 16:40
Decay spectroscopy is expected to provide a great chance to look inside the structure information of nuclei far from the stability. A new project EURICA (EUROBALL RIKEN Cluster Array) has been launched to perform experimental campaign of decay spectroscopy, utilizing gamma-rays detectors (EUROBALL Germanium Cluster detectors) and new generation radioactive beam facility (RIBF) at RIKEN[1,2]....
Pieter Doornenbal
10/06/2013, 17:10
In the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) stable primary beams of energies up to 345 MeV/nucleon are used to produce radioactive isotope beams via in-flight separation with the BigRIPS fragment separator. For in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments these radioactive beams are incident on a secondary target for Coulomb excitation, inelastic scattering, or knockout reaction measurements....
Jacek Wrzesinski
(IFJ PAN Krakow)
10/06/2013, 17:40
This work reports the observation of high-spin states in 204Hg using time-correlated γ-ray spectroscopy to identify isomers populated in deep-inelastic collisions of a ̴1.4 GeV 208Pb beam on a thick 238U target. A high-spin isomer with τ > 1 µs has been found and the observed γ-ray decay has established the yrast states below it, including another isomer with τ = 33(3) ns.
Spin and parity...
Philipp Rudolf John
(University and INFN Padova)
10/06/2013, 17:55
The nuclei with A~190 between Hf and Pt exhibit a great variety of nuclear phenomena, including K-isomerism, triaxiality and shape transition across the isotopic chain. This region has been in fact a crucial testing ground for the nuclear models aspiring at the description of such complex nuclear phenomena. Of particular interest is the transition from axially symmetric deformed, prolate...
S.K. Tandel
(University of Massachusetts Lowell and UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences)
10/06/2013, 18:10
Nuclei in the A=180 region are characterized by quite favorable conditions for the realization of K isomers. These include rigid, axially symmetric deformed shapes, and the presence of both proton and neutron orbitals near the Fermi surface with large projections of the intrinsic angular momentum along the symmetry axis. K isomers constitute a very effective spectroscopic means of...