10–12 giu 2013
Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario
<i>Presentations Available Online</i>

In beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF

10 giu 2013, 17:10
Archivio Antico (Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy)

Archivio Antico

Palazzo del Bo', Padova, Italy

Invited Session 4


Dr. Pieter Doornenbal (RIKEN)


In the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) stable primary beams of energies up to 345 MeV/nucleon are used to produce radioactive isotope beams via in-flight separation with the BigRIPS fragment separator. For in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments these radioactive beams are incident on a secondary target for Coulomb excitation, inelastic scattering, or knockout reaction measurements. While ejectiles are measured with the ZeroDegree spectrometer, gamma-rays are detected by the NaI(Tl) scintillator based DALI2 array. The first in-beam gamma-ray experiments performed at the RIBF targeted the "Island of Inversion", a region in which the standard ordering of shells is disturbed by neutron intruder configuration across the N=20 shell gap. Recent experiments include the first spectroscopy of 54Ca, the regions around the doubly-magic 78Ni and 100,132Sn nuclei, as well as investigations on the N=28 shell closure erosion around 42Si. Besides showing (preliminary) selected results from these first experiments and a description of the gamma-ray spectroscopy setup, an outlook on future gamma-ray spectroscopy campaigns at the RIBF including the active liquid hydrogen target MINOS will be given.

Autore principale

Dr. Pieter Doornenbal (RIKEN)

Materiali di presentazione