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8–13 Oct 2007
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone



8 Oct 2007, 08:50
Aula Bruno Touschek (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula Bruno Touschek

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi,40


Plenary: K.Seth / A.Reis (Chairs)

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: Round Table "Methods and Models for nuclear and particle physics in the 21st century"

  • MariaPaola Lombardo (Frascati)
  • Simone Pacetti (Frascati)
  • Stefano Miscetti (Frascati)

Plenary: U.Wiedner / H.Koch (Chairs)

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: S.Paul / C.Amsler / B.Zou (Chairs)

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: T.Bressani / C.Guaraldo (Chairs)

  • There are no conveners in this block

Plenary: E.Klempt / S-U.Chung (Chairs)

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mario Calvetti (Director, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN)
08/10/2007, 08:50
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Luciano Maiani (Sapienza Universita' di Roma and INFN Roma1)
08/10/2007, 09:00
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Roberto Mussa (INFN Torino)
08/10/2007, 09:35
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Antimo Palano (INFN Bari)
08/10/2007, 10:10
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Christine Davies (Univ. of Glasgow)
08/10/2007, 11:15
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Carlos Salgado (Roma Univ. La Sapienza)
08/10/2007, 11:50
Heavy Ions
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Elisabetta Pallante (University of Groningen)
09/10/2007, 09:00
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Alberto Reis (CBPF Rio de Janeiro)
09/10/2007, 09:35
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Eberhard Klempt (Universitaet Bonn)
09/10/2007, 10:10
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Ulrike Thoma (Universitaet Bonn)
09/10/2007, 10:45
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Mate Csanad (Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE))
09/10/2007, 11:50
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Cesare Bini (Sapienza Universita' di Roma and INFN Roma1)
09/10/2007, 12:15
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Reinhard Beck (HISKP - Bonn Universitaet)
09/10/2007, 13:05
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Enzo De Sanctis (INFN Frascati)
10/10/2007, 08:55
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Michael Duren (Univ. Giessen, Germany)
10/10/2007, 09:00
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Christoph Grab (ETH Zurich)
10/10/2007, 09:25
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Sandra Malvezzi (INFN Milano Bicocca)
10/10/2007, 09:50
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Penelope Kasper (FERMILAB)
10/10/2007, 10:15
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Michal Kreps (EKP, University of Karlsruhe)
10/10/2007, 10:40
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Enrico Robutti (INFN Genova)
10/10/2007, 11:20
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Simon Eidelman (Budker Inst. of Nuclear Physics (BINP))
10/10/2007, 11:45
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Shan Jin (IHEP)
10/10/2007, 12:10
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Matthew Shepherd (Indiana University)
10/10/2007, 12:35
Invited talk at Plenary Session
John Harris (Yale Univ.)
10/10/2007, 13:00
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Daniel S. Carman (Jefferson Laboratory (USA))
11/10/2007, 09:00
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Andrea Ferrero (CERN)
11/10/2007, 09:25
Invited talk at Plenary Session
James Russ (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
11/10/2007, 09:50
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Stefano Piano (INFN Trieste)
11/10/2007, 10:15
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Kees de Jager (JLAB)
11/10/2007, 11:20
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina (Canada))
11/10/2007, 11:45
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Alberto Rotondi (Universita' di Pavia and INFN)
11/10/2007, 12:10
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Frank Close (Oxford Univ.)
11/10/2007, 12:35
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Naohito Saito (KEK)
12/10/2007, 14:30
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Weiguo Li (Institute of High energy Physics)
12/10/2007, 14:55
Future facilities
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Francesco Forti (INFN Pisa)
12/10/2007, 15:20
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Roberto Covarelli (PG)
12/10/2007, 16:15
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico)
12/10/2007, 16:40
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Kam Seth (Northwestern University)
12/10/2007, 17:05
Invited talk at Plenary Session
Building timetable...