8–13 Oct 2007
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent results from NA48/2 on Ke4 decays and pi-pi scattering lenghts

8 Oct 2007, 15:30
Aula B1 - H.E. Building (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula B1 - H.E. Building

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi,40
Talk at Parallel Session Light Meson Spectroscopy Low energy QCD


Massimo LENTI (INFN Firenze)


The NA48/2 experiment has collected an unprecedented
sample of 3-pion decays of charged kaons. The high statistics and the
good resolution of the detectors allow a unique investigation of the
detailed phase space distributions of these decays. The effects of final
state pion rescattering observed in the Dalitz plot distribution of the
$K^\pm\to\pi^\pm\pi^0\pi^0$ decays turned out to be a powerful tool for
extraction of the S-wave pion-pion scattering lengths. The recent results
obtained using a number of different theoretical approaches will be
The NA48/2 experiment at the CERN SPS has also collected about 10**6
K± decays into pi+ pi- e± ν (Ke4) in 2003 and 2004.
The analysis of a partial sample of ~500000 such events allows a
precise measurement of the decay parameters. The form factors of the
reaction and their dependence with dipion and dilepton masses have been
measured. Thanks to a sizeable acceptance at large Mpipi, a high sensitivity
to the pi-pi scattering lengths a00 and a02 is achieved. These almost model
independent measurements can be confronted with the predictions from
different calculations, in particular within the framework of
Chiral Perturbation Theory.

Primary author

Massimo LENTI (INFN Firenze)

Presentation materials