8–13 Oct 2007
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Excitation of the Roper Resonance in Single and Double-Pion Production*

12 Oct 2007, 10:40
Aula A1 - H.E. Building (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula A1 - H.E. Building

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi,40
Talk at Parallel Session Baryon Spectroscopy Baryon Spectroscopy


Tatiana Skorodko (Tuebingen University)


The Roper resonance has been a puzzle ever since its detection in πN
phase shifts. In most investigations no apparent resonance signatures
could be found in the observables. Not only its nature has been a
matter of permanent debate, also its resonance parameters show a big
scatter in their values.
In the pp → npπ+ reaction measured at CELSIUS-WASA at several
energies a pronounced resonance structure at M_nπ+≈ 1350 MeV with
Γ ≈ 140 MeV has been found. These numbers agree very favourably
with recent SAID πN phase shift results for the Roper pole as well as
with the very recent BES results from J/ψ → NbarN. With the pole
position being roughly 100 MeV below the previously believed value
of the N
(1440), also its decay branchings (defined at the pole posi-
tion) change dramatically. From near-threshold two-pion production,
when Roper excitation is the only significant process, we find the decay
N→ Nσ to be the by far dominant process pointing to a breathing
mode nature of the Roper resonance.
supported by BMBF (06 TU 261), DFG (Europ. Grad. School), COSY-FFE

Primary author

Tatiana Skorodko (Tuebingen University)


Dr Evgueni Doroshkevich (Tuebingen University) Mr Florian Kren (Tuebingen University) Prof. Gerhard Wagner (Tuebingen University) Prof. Heinz Clement (Tuebingen University) Dr Mikhail Bashkanov (Tuebingen University) Dr Murat Kaskulov (Giessen University) Mrs Olena Khakimova (Tuebingen University)

Presentation materials