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8–13 Oct 2007
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

$\sigma$-Channel Threshold Enhancement in Double-Pionic Fusion*

12 Oct 2007, 10:20
Aula A1 - H.E. Building (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula A1 - H.E. Building

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi,40
Talk at Parallel Session Baryon Spectroscopy Baryon Spectroscopy


Mikhail Bashkanov (Tuebingen University)


The observed invariant mass and angular distributions reveal the ABC-effect to
be a $\sigma$ channel phenomenon associated with the formation of a
$\Delta\Delta$ system in the intermediate state. The most pronounced feature
is the enormeous low-mass enhancement in the observed $\pi^0\pi^0$ invariant
mass distributions, which in the $\pi^0\pi^0$ channel is larger than in the
$\pi^+\pi^-$ channel, since the latter also contains isovector contributions
\cite{bash}. In contrast to previous inclusive measurements and theoretical
predictions we observe no high-mass enhancement.

The differential distributions for the
$\pi^0\pi^0$ channels can be well described, if a strong attraction between
two $\Delta$s in the intermediate state or even a bound $\Delta\Delta$ system
is assumed. Such a boundstate situation had been predicted previously
\cite{oka,wang}. This ansatz is capable of
describing also the results of previous inclusive measurements on $^4$He as
well as the resonance-like energy dependence of the total cross sections. The
latter are in favor of a substantial binding between the two $\Delta$s.

  • supported by BMBF, DFG (Europ. Graduate School) and COSY-FFE

M.~Bashkanov et al.,
Phys.~Lett.~{\bf B637}~(2006)~223.
M.~Oka, K.~Yazaki, Prog.~Theor.~Phys.~{\bf 66}~(1981)~572; J. Ping et
al., Phys.~Rev.~{\bf C64}~(2002)~044003
\bibitem{wang} J. Ping, H. Pang, F. Wang, T. Goldmann, Phys. Rev. {\bf
044003 (2002) and references therein

Primary author

Mikhail Bashkanov (Tuebingen University)


Ms Annette Pricking (Tuebingen University) Mr Florian Kren (Tuebingen University) Prof. Gerhard Wagner (Tuebingen University) Prof. Heinz Clement (Tuebingen University) Mrs Olena Khakimova (Tuebingen University) Ms Tatiana Skorodko (Tuebingen University)

Presentation materials