Seminari Generali

Nanopatterning: from silicon to DNA

by Prof. F. Cerrina (University of Wisconsin, Madison, Usa)

Aula M. Conversi (Dip. Fisica Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula M. Conversi

Dip. Fisica Edificio G. Marconi

Nanofabrication and de-novo molecular synthesis are converging in the production of nanostructures in the 10-50nm domain. In this talk I will present our research activity in the area of nanofabrication, extending from semiconductor technology to DNA-based fabrication. I will review our work in the area of semiconductor lithography, showing the design and performance of our Extreme Ultraviolet Interference Lithography and Holography (EUV-IL and HL) at 13.4 nm. Then, I will discuss our application of photolithography to DNA synthesis for the fabrication of oligomer-based microarray probes, and the subsequent assembly into genes. Finally, I will review the applications of synthetic DNA as both a genetic and a structural material.