Seminari Generali

Analysis and control of electron dynamics with time-dependent density functional theory

by Prof. E. K. U. Gross (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)

Aula M. Conversi (Dip. Fisica Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula M. Conversi

Dip. Fisica Edificio G. Marconi

Modern density functional theory is based on the surprising fact that knowledge of the ground-state density alone is sufficient to calculate all physical observables of a stationary quantum system. Time-dependent phenomena, however, are not accessible within the standard framework of density functional theory. In this lecture, the time-dependent generalization of density functional theory (TDDFT) will be presented. After an overview of the basic concepts of TDDFT recent developments beyond the linear-response regime will be presented. In particular, we will describe the visualization and analysis of electronic motion by means of the so-called electron localization function (ELF). The ELF provides a way to visualize chemical bonds. It is derived from the conditional probability of finding an electron in the vicinity of a point r if one knows with certainty that there is another electron with the same spin at r. The shape of the ELF (as function of r) allows a topological classification of the different types of chemical bonds. Here we generalize the ELF to the time-dependent case. Two movies of the time-dependent ELF will be presented, one that shows the formation and breaking of chemical bonds in a proton-ethylene scattering process and another one that visualizes a laser-induced π-π* transition in acetylene in a time-resolved fashion. To give a feeling of the broad and powerful scope of the method, we will sketch a few further applications of the method such as the transport of electrons through nano-scale systems an their control by shaped laser pulses.