EMC meeting

Claudia Cecchi (PG), Frank Porter (Caltech)
EMC meeting, with forward advisory committee
120328 discussion slides
Kharkov pure CsI
Minutes of 120410 SuperB EMC meeting Indico agenda at: http://agenda.infn.it/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=4944 1) Report on discussion with Francesco and Blair. Guidance that we need to choose the cheapest solution with adequate performace and technically sound. 2) Status of fastsim radiation dose calculation Chih-hsiang Cheng presentation at: http://agenda.infn.it/getFile.py/access?contribId=1&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=4944 Going from 8 MeV to 0.1 MeV threshhold in background photons does not have much effect on energy deposited in barrel in fastsim. Comparison with fullsim is conflicted by the fact that it is not possible to separate neutron and photon depostis in fullsim. The fullsim dose is still a few times higher than fastsim. Also the angular distribution looks different in fullsim and fastsim. The fullsim results are from August 2011; will try comparing the November backgrounds (LYSO endcap). The reason for the discrepancy remains a mystery. 3) Pure CsI Renyuan presentation at: http://agenda.infn.it/getFile.py/access?contribId=2&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=4944 (includes Renyuan's revisions) Temperature coefficient is -1.4%/C. Slide 12 is with PMT readout. Annealing radiation damage does not work. Damage mechanism linked to oxygen, growing in vacuum should help. Kharkov grows in vacuum, question about why they still get very mixed dose tolerance results (page 17 of paper posted on agenda: http://agenda.infn.it/getFile.py/access?resId=0&materialId=1&confId=4944 Answer that market is currently for small crystals, so radiation tolerance not important to manufacturers. Need R&D to see if yields of radiation-tolerant large crystals can be improved. Renyuan would like to know expected neutron fluxes so that we can determine expected effect of neutrons. [I think I heard Eugenio say that this can be provided]. 4) AOB Next meeting - Wed, April 25, 1730/0830 Brief discussion of TDR. Need to change forward baseline, but no decision on what to change it to yet. Argument made that it is clear that the existing BaBar endcap structure should be the baseline, at least since there is no time to engineer anything else for the TDR.
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