Igal Jaegle
(University of Hawaii)
17/10/2012, 11:35
Many extensions of the Standard Model introduce an additional U(1) interaction,
which is mediated by a U(1) boson, often by a Higgs mechanism adding a dark
Higgs (or dark Higgses) to the models. This gauge boson, also known as the
"Dark Photon", typically has very weak coupling to Standard Model particles.
Experimental results from direct Dark Matter searches, (e.g. DAMA/LIBRA) and
Alessandro Gaz
(University of Colorado)
17/10/2012, 12:10
We have searched for a dark photon produced in e+e- collisions and radiating a dark Higgs. The resulting 6-fermion final state is reconstructed in leptonic and leptonic+hadronic channels. We find no signal and set tight limits on the parameters of the model.