Harald Merkel
(Institut fuer Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Uniververitaet Mainz)
16/10/2012, 11:25
As a high intensity and high beam quality electron accelerator, the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) is well suited for the search for possible gauge bosons of the dark sector, the so called dark photons. The capabilities of the accelerator in combination with the high resolution spectrometer setup of the A1 collaboration were already demonstrated in a first test experiment in 2011. An extension of this...
Tobias Beranek
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
16/10/2012, 12:00
We study the exploration reach of various fixed target experiments searching for the dark photon. Therefore we investigate the creation of a lepton pair induced by quasi elastic scattering of an electron beam off a heavy nucleus (A,Z), i.e. e(A,Z) -> e (A,Z) e^+e^- with a dark photon A' as signal and a virtual photon as background in the intermediate state.
We present our calculations in...