Sergiy Ivashyn
(ITP NSC KIPT (Kharkiv))
We study a possibility of neutral pion and dark photon production at a
high-luminosity photon-electron collider with the energy of the photon
about 20 Mev and the energy of the electron about 1 GeV.
The neutral pion production channel is Primakoff-type via the t-channel
photon exchange.
The dark photon production channel is similar to the timelike Compton
scattering on the electron.
We developed the Monte Carlo generator and used it to estimate the signal
feasibility and to investigate the event distributions affected by a
realistic smearing of the photon and electron beams.
We estimate the luminosity of the photon-electron collisions required to
measure the pion decay width with 1% error and to set a limit on dark
photon coupling parameter epsilon for the dark photon mass below 250 MeV
competitive with the current and future experiments.
Primary author
Sergiy Ivashyn
(ITP NSC KIPT (Kharkiv))
Graziano Venanzoni
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
Olga Shekhovtsova
(Universidad de Valencia - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)