10–15 set 2012
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote
Europe/Lisbon fuso orario


Progress in QCD (I)

13 set 2012, 08:30
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Canary Islands (Spain)

Materiali di presentazione

Non sono ancora presenti materiali
Prof. ANATOLII Efremov (JINR, Dubna)
13/09/12, 08:30
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
Prof. Victor Fadin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13/09/12, 08:50
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
Prof. Douglas Ross (Southampton University)
13/09/12, 09:10
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
Prof. Joachim Bartels (University Hamburg)
13/09/12, 09:30
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
Prof. Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
13/09/12, 10:10
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
N.P. Zotov
13/09/12, 10:30
Progress in QCD
Talk at plenary session
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