10–15 set 2012
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote
Europe/Lisbon fuso orario

GPDs at an Electron Ion Collider

11 set 2012, 18:50
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Canary Islands (Spain)
Talk at plenary session Diffraction in e-p collisions (experiment) Diffraction in e-p Collisions (III)


Dr. Salvatore Fazio (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The feasibility for a precise determination of the Generalized Parton Distribution (GPDs) functions at an Electron Ion Collider (EIC) has been explored. The high
luminosity of the machine, together with the large resolution and rapidity acceptance of a newly designed dedicated detector, will open a opportunity for very high precision measurements of GPDs. We report on the access of GPDs from deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and Vector Meson Production (VMP) measurements. We also point out that such measurements at a proposed EIC provide provide insight to both the transverse
distribution of sea quarks and gluons as well as the proton spin decomposition.

Autori principali

Prof. Dieter Mueller (Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, D-44780, Germany) Dr. Salvatore Fazio (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Materiali di presentazione