10–15 set 2012
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote
Europe/Lisbon fuso orario

On the use of the high energy effective action for low x phenomenology

15 set 2012, 10:30
Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Canary Islands (Spain)
Talk at plenary session Progress in QCD Progress in QCD (II)


Sig. Martin Hentschinski (BNL)


We present recent results on the high energy effective action proposed by Lipatov in 1995. After a short introduction we show how the effective action can be used to calculate next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections to cross-sections in the high energy limit. As explicit examples we consider NLO corrections for the forward jet impact factor from the effective action and real NLO corrections to the Mueller-Tang impact factor, where the latter is needed to describe jet events with rapidity gaps. In a second part we discuss applications of the effective action to the description of amplitudes with multiple (reggeized) gluon exchange and discuss its relation to other approaches.

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