The ASY-EOS-2012 workshop is the third edition of a series of topical conferences organized in Sicily by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Catania and the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) and University of Catania.
The event is sponsored by the Provincia Regionale of Siracusa (Italy).
The main aim of the ASY-EOS topical conferences consists of strengthening the link of scientific communities involved in the study of nuclear reactions and their implications on exotic nuclear systems and states of asymmetric nuclear matter. In addition to the investigation of the symmetry energy in nuclear physics, the forthcoming edition of the ASY-EOS-2012 meeting will extend its focus towards the relevance on nuclear reaction mechanisms at the future radioactive beam facilities. As in the previous editions, special attention will be devoted to the valorization of Sicilian cultural resources and the dissemination of scientific and technologic research. This edition of the ASY-EOS conference will take place in the historic town of Siracusa, famous for its ancient Greek history. Siracusa was home of the great scientist Archimede (287-212 B.C.). Siracusa is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The event is sponsored by the Provincia Regionale of Siracusa (Italy).
The main aim of the ASY-EOS topical conferences consists of strengthening the link of scientific communities involved in the study of nuclear reactions and their implications on exotic nuclear systems and states of asymmetric nuclear matter. In addition to the investigation of the symmetry energy in nuclear physics, the forthcoming edition of the ASY-EOS-2012 meeting will extend its focus towards the relevance on nuclear reaction mechanisms at the future radioactive beam facilities. As in the previous editions, special attention will be devoted to the valorization of Sicilian cultural resources and the dissemination of scientific and technologic research. This edition of the ASY-EOS conference will take place in the historic town of Siracusa, famous for its ancient Greek history. Siracusa was home of the great scientist Archimede (287-212 B.C.). Siracusa is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Provincia Regionale di Siracusa, Via Roma 31, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy