Leonida Gizzi
(ILIL, Istituto nazionale di Ottica, CNR, Pisa, Italy and INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Italy)
28/09/2012, 11:10
Novel sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma
Laser-plasma acceleration of electrons is currently being explored worldwide as a possible future alternative to conventional accelerators.
In the mean time, existing approaches for accelerating electrons at relativistic energies using compact schemes and relatively high power lasers are being considered for a range of studies aiming at fundamental and applied research.
Among these, the...
Massimo Ferrario
28/09/2012, 11:40
Novel sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma
A new facility named SPARC_LAB (Sources for Plasma Accelerators and Radiation Compton with Lasers and Beams) has been recently launched at the INFN National Labs in Frascati, merging the potentialities of the old projects SPARC and PLASMONX. The test facility is now completed, hosting a 150 MeV high brightness electron beam injector which feeds a 12 meters long undulator. Observation of FEL...
Paolo Valente
28/09/2012, 12:00
Novel sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma
The DAFNE beam test facility (BTF) has been operating successfully for ten years. The electron(positron) 50-750(550) MeV beams can also produce a tagged photon (Bremsstrahlung) beam and a neutron photo-production source (n@BTF) is under characterization. In addition to detector and beam diagnostics tests, the positron beam (down to 2 mrad divergence, 2 mm transverse rms size) has been also...
28/09/2012, 12:20
Novel sources: PXR&TR&FEL&Plasma
Gamma Resist (γ-Resist) is the name of a new proposed experiment to be hosted at INFN laboratories in Frascati. The purpose of the experiment is to set up an all optical γ-ray source driven by Thomson/Compton scattering between laser plasma generated electrons and a counterpropagating laser pulse. The 250 TW FLAME laser will be used to drive the whole process. Compactness, tunability and...
Mkrtchyan Artak Henrik
(Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS RA)
28/09/2012, 12:55