Alexey Dik
(PN Lebedev Phys Institute, Moscow)
Researches of the last years showed that interaction of intense ultrashort laser impulses with plasma can be a source of compact bunches of electrons as well as of powerful high- energy electromagnetic radiation. Due to the high gradient of the field of a laser, impulse electrons can be accelerated till the speeds close to the light velocity. Plasma waves being formed behind a laser impulse degenerate in a cavity, free of plasma electrons and capable to trap the electrons accelerated by a laser impulse. It should be underlined that this cavity moves with a speed of the laser impulse, forming in this way a continuous potential to bound the electrons under successful acceleration. In other words the cavity becomes an infinite ion-channel for an electron.
In this work we have studied the electron motion in continuous ion-channel and the processes of electromagnetic radiation by ion-channeled electron. Both classical and quantum cases in approach of a scalar electron are considered.
Primary author
Alexey Dik
(PN Lebedev Phys Institute, Moscow)
Azamat Ligidov
(National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI))
Sultan Dabagov
(INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)