
K -> Pi Pi from Lattice QCD

by Prof. Christopher Sachrajda (University of Southampton)

C (Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma Tre)


Dipartimento di Fisica, Roma Tre

via della Vasca Navale 84
Both indirect and direct CP-violation were first discovered in nonleptonic kaon decays. Our ability to interpret experimental data for these decays in terms of fundamental physics is limited by the precision with which non-perturbative QCD effects can be evaluated. In this talk I will review the research programme of the RBC-UKQCD collaboration for kaon decays. Recent physical results for the amplitude A2, corresponding to the two-pion in the final state having isospin 2, will be presented and the prospects for the evaluation of A0 will be discussed. In the final part of the talk I will speculate on the possibility of evaluating flavour-changing neutral current processes, such as the KL-KS mass difference and rare kaon decays. Some of the material can be found in arXiv:1111.1699 [hep-lat] and arXiv:1106.2714 [hep-lat].