6–10 Oct 2025
Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

First Workshop on the Impact of Higgs Studies on New Theories of Fundamental Interactions

The workshop is the first of its series, it focuses on discussing the impact of the Higgs studies and measurements in steering the future of the field of particle physics, and will be held at Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Island of Capri (NA), Italy, on 6-10 October 2025.

This workshop explores the pivotal role of Higgs physics in advancing fundamental interactions and addressing unresolved questions within the Standard Model. Despite the definitive discovery of the Higgs boson, its complete potential in unveiling new theories remains largely untapped. At the workshop we will discuss recent advancements and experimental results, focusing on theoretical implications and the broader impact on particle physics.  

A collaborative environment will help foster innovative approaches and strategies, ultimately aiming to leverage Higgs studies in the search for a deeper understanding of the universe's fundamental laws.

The workshop aims to bring together experimentalists, phenomenologists, and theorists to discuss the implications and interplay of extended scalar sectors and various extensions of the Standard Model. This includes theories like dual Standard Models, multi-Higgs models, composite Higgs theories, supersymmetry, and other innovative theoretical frameworks. Among the major themes will be discussions on current indications of non-standard Higgs signals at the LHC (e.g. 152 GeV and 95 GeV) and strategies for discovering new physics at present and future colliders.


Participants will collaborate in an interactive environment, fostering novel ideas and approaches to leverage Higgs studies in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the universe's fundamental laws.

The registrations will open in April, the fee will be 400 €. Options for accommodation and the venue can be found in the respective tabs "travel information and accommodation" and "conference venue". Payment details will be disclosed in the upcoming month.






The Workshop is organized and funded by University of Napoli Federico II, Department of Physics and INFN, Sezione di Napoli.

Under the Moral Patronage of the University of Naples Federico II


Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri Island, Italy
International Centre for Scientific Culture - University of Napoli Federico II