Signals of new physics with experiments on flavor : relevance and progress of new initiatives.
Antonio Masiero
(Padua University and INFN)
5/24/07, 3:00 PM
Panel for discussing experimental and theoretical prospects
Haibo Li
(IHEP, Beijing)
5/24/07, 3:15 PM
Panel for discussing experimental and theoretical prospects
Robert Tschirhart
(Fermilab, Batavia)
5/24/07, 3:45 PM
Panel for discussing experimental and theoretical prospects
Pantaleo Raimondi
(LNF-INFN, Frascati)
5/24/07, 4:45 PM
Francesco Forti
(Pisa University and INFN)
5/24/07, 5:15 PM
Peter Krizan
(Ljubljana Univ. and J. Stefan Institute)
5/24/07, 5:30 PM
Taku Yamanaka
(Osaka University)
5/24/07, 6:15 PM
Panel for discussing experimental and theoretical prospects