Paride Paradisi
(Valencia University, IFIC)
24/05/2007, 09:30
Lepton Universality and LFV
Dmitry Gorbunov
24/05/2007, 10:00
Lepton Universality and LFV
An extension of the Standard Model by three singlet fermions with
masses smaller than the electroweak scale allows to explain
simultaneously neutrino oscillations, dark matter and baryon
asymmetry of the Universe. We discuss here the properties of
neutral leptons in this model and the ways they can be searched
for in particle physics experiments. In particular, if sterile
neutrinos are...
Robert Tschirhart
24/05/2007, 10:20
Lepton Universality and LFV
Venelin Kozhuharov
(Univerity of Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski")
24/05/2007, 10:50
Lepton Universality and LFV
The ratio $R_K = \Gamma(K^{\pm}\to e^{\pm}\nu) /
\Gamma(K^{\pm}\to \mu^{\pm}\nu) $ provides a very powerful probe
for the weak interactions structure. This ratio of decay rates is
calculated with very high precision within the Standard Model but
corrections due to the presence of New Physics could be as high
as 3\%. The data obtained by the NA48 experiment in two years of
data taking at...
Alexei Sibidanov
(BINP, Novosibirsk)
24/05/2007, 11:30
Lepton Universality and LFV
We present a preliminary measurement of the ratio of the purely
leptonic branching ratios of the charged kaons, BR(ke2)/BR(kmu2),
using a sample of about 2 fb-1 of data acquired with the KLOE
detector at the Frascati \phi-factory DAFNE.
Rainer Wanke
(Mainz University)
24/05/2007, 11:50
Lepton Universality and LFV
Precision data on Kl3 and Kl2 decay rates and form factors allow
us to perform significant tests of lepton universality and to
constrain the strength of non-standard interactions. We discuss
the present status of these tests and new-physics searches, as
obtained by combining all the available results of the various
kaon-physics experiments
Haibo Li
(IHEP, Beijing)
24/05/2007, 12:20
Lepton Universality and LFV
In this talk, I will give a brief review on the current limits of
rare and forbidden decays of Charm mesons at CLEO-c and BES
experiments. The current status of BES-III project as a tau-Charm
factory will be discussed. The sensitivities of the measurements
for rare and forbidden Charm decays are estimated. The test of
Lepton Universality and LFV in J/psi decay at BES-III are...
Alberto Lusiani
(INFN - Pisa)
24/05/2007, 12:50
Lepton Universality and LFV
Since 1999, the B-factory Collaborations, Babar and Belle, have
accumulated and studied large samples of tau lepton pairs. The
experimental results on Lepton Universality checks and Lepton
Flavour Violation searches will be reported.