William J. Marciano
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
5/21/07, 11:00 AM
Welcome and Overview
Luca Silvestrini
(Rome University, "La Sapienza")
5/21/07, 11:50 AM
Welcome and Overview
Gabriella Sciolla
5/21/07, 12:20 PM
Welcome and Overview
Substantial progress has been recently made in the measurement of
the CKM matrix parameters Rho and Eta that define the so-called
Unitarity Triangle.
In this presentation I will review the latest experimental
results in this field coming from the study of both B and kaon
decays. These precise and redundant measurements not only
determine parameters of the Standard Model but also allows...
Masashi Hazumi
(KEK, Tsukuba)
5/21/07, 12:50 PM
Welcome and Overview
The present status of new physics searches in flavour experiments
is reviewed. Measurements that indicate possible deviations from
the standard model are listed, with a special emphasis on results
from two B-factories. Prospects for future experiments are also
mentioned briefly.