Seminari Gruppo I

Tracking down the Higgs boson properties

by Valentina Maria Martina Cairo (CERN)

500 ( di Fisica Univ. di Genova)

500 di Fisica Univ. di Genova

Via Dodecaneso 33
The post-Higgs boson discovery era has been characterised by an exciting physics programme targeting the investigation of the Higgs boson properties and couplings. Probing the Higgs self-coupling to shed light on the shape of the Higgs potential and thus on the stability of the Universe is one of the most important and challenging goals of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its High-Luminosity (HL) phase. As such, it poses very stringent requirements on detector performance, but it also offers unique opportunities to push the boundaries of the field with novel algorithms and technology R&D. 
This seminar will present state-of-the-art results and projection studies of direct tests of the Higgs boson self-coupling via Higgs boson pair production with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, highlighting the interplay between analysis techniques, detector design, and its performance. In this context, the advanced methods used to reconstruct charged-particle trajectories and interaction vertices, the building blocks of the LHC events, will be discussed along with the main challenges foreseen during HL-LHC. The potential enhancements to the LHC physics programme via 4-dimensional tracking, a new technological frontier in Particle Physics, will be showcased and a brief outlook of an ambitious Higgs physics research line beyond the LHC will be given.