9–13 Jun 2025
Castello dei Principi Capano
Europe/Rome timezone

The Physics Session Initiative is a space for open scientific discussion, free from the overwhelming constraints of the canonical structure of a typical conference. As the field of high energy theoretical physics is entering a phase of increasing fragmentation, it is paramount to emphasize common themes and uncover unifying concepts. PSI is a meeting focused on highlighting important ideas and insights for future long-term pursuits, rather than on hearing the details of a speaker’s latest paper. To achieve this, PSI is structured in a minimalistic fashion. 5 days, 5 topics, 5 sessions, 0 seminars. 

The main objective of each session will be to discuss new directions for open problems. After the success of previous PSI meetings in 2021, 2022 and 2023, PSI25 will be centered around the following five central topics in theoretical physics: classical and quantum gravity; theoretical aspects of cosmology; formal particle physics; strongly coupled quantum field theory; and mathematical physics and generalised symmetries in quantum field theory. 

All of this to be set againts the backdrop of the medieval town of Pollica, in Southwestern Italy (Cilento region). The workshop will take place June 9-13, 2025


Scientific and organizing committee:


Dionysios Anninos, King's College London,

Tarek Anous, Queen Mary University of London,

Damian Galante, King's College London,

Diego Hofman, University of Amsterdam



Sponsored by:

Comune di Pollica

Castello dei Principi Capano
Pollica (SA), Italy
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