
HEP Colloquia 2024

by Alessio Ludovico De Santis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Sala Consiliare (Department of Physics)

Sala Consiliare

Department of Physics


CAPIBARA: phonon ray-tracing simulations for cryogenic dark matter detectors

Many experiments with low thresholds below 1 keV have observed an excess of low energy events (LEE). The Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers (CRESST) is one of the most sensitive experiments for the direct detection of light dark is currently attempting to determine the origin of these events using a dual sensor design. On top of studying the time evolution of the LEE, the experiment measured an unexpected position dependence in their sensors. The CAPIBARA code uses simple physical assumptions on phonon physics to run very fast simulations able to reproduce the position dependence measured by the CRESST experiment.

In this talk I will discuss how the results from these simulations can not only be leveraged to study various hypotheses on the origin of the LEE but also be used to propose innovative detector designs.

Organized by

Prof. Umberto D'Alesio -
Dr. Nanako Kato -