8–19 Sept 2025
Castello dei Principi Capano
Europe/Rome timezone

The study of non-equilibrium quantum matter has experienced a revival in recent decades, driven by remarkable experimental advances across various platforms such as ultracold atoms, trapped ions, superconducting qubits, Rydberg atoms, and quantum materials. These developments enabled accessing relaxation on unprecedented time scales, as well as probing real-time entanglement dynamics. This progress has raised a series of new theoretical challenges, such as the quest for universal mechanisms that govern the far-from-equilibrium dynamics of quantum systems.

Despite significant advancements, the picture is far from being complete: While it is established that chaotic systems share the same universal properties with random matrices and that universal hydrodynamic behavior emerges at long times, other phenomena without a classical counterpart, such as entanglement buildup and quantum information scrambling demand further exploration. The same kind of questions arise in non-equilibrium field theories and their holographic descriptions. This workshop aims to bring together experts from diverse fields, including high-energy physicists, field theorists working on hydrodynamics, condensed matter theorists, and AMO physicists, to collaboratively address these challenges. The workshop will focus on topics such as quantum chaos, holography, the emergence of hydrodynamics, the construction of hydrodynamic-like descriptions of thermalization and entanglement, and the understanding of anomalous transport in experimentally relevant settings.

All of this to be set againts the backdrop of the medieval town of Pollica, in Southwestern Italy (Cilento region). The workshop will take place September 8th-19th, 2025


Scientific and organizing committee:

Luca Delacrétaz, University of Chicago,

Andrea De Luca, Cergy Pontoise, 

Silvia Pappalardi, University of Cologne, 

Maksym Serbyn, IST Austria

Federica Surace, Caltech

Invited speakers:

Dmitri Abanin (Princeton)

Alex Altland (U. Cologne)

Aashish Clerk (U. Chicago)

Ceren Dag (Harvard)

Jacopo De Nardis (Cergy-Paris U.)

Jerome Dubail (CNRS)

Emanuel Katz (Boston U.)

Jonah Kudler-Flam (Princeton IAS)

Jorge Kurchan (LPENS)

Zala Lenarčič (U. Ljubljana)

Julian Leonard (TU Wien)

Alessio Lerose (KU Leuven)

Andrew Lucas (U. Colorado Boulder)

Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston U.)

Achim Rosch (U. Cologne)

Thomas Schuster (Caltech)

Shreya Vardhan (Stanford)

Romain Vasseur (U. Geneva)

Carolin Wille (Cologne U.)

Sponsored by:

Comune di Pollica

Castello dei Principi Capano
Pollica (SA), Italy
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